About Us

Our mission is to introduce and guide individuals that are looking to take their fitness and nutrition to the Next Level. Connecting clients to real food, proper exercise techniques and lifestyle adjustments are key to obtaining the ultimate goal in life, longevity. 

James Duncanson

C.E.O. - N.L.H.N.- Certified Holistic Nutritionist & Trainer

I am a Registered Holistic Nutritionist with a love for cooking, motorcycles, and fitness. At a young age, I was always involved in sports, such as swimming, baseball, soccer and hockey, which I also coached for 6 years. I realized the importance of clean eating and looking after one’s health, after my Dad was diagnosed with a heart condition and I personally experienced several immune and digestive issues.

After many unsuccessful attempts, with a variety of traditional diets, I wanted to effect a more positive and holistic approach to my overall well-being. This led me to pursue my passion for Nutrition and Personal Training. Having to deal with physical injuries from two major car accidents has really helped me realize the importance of recovery, exercise and nutrition.

Now that I am in my 50s, I appreciate how important resistance training and nutrition are, to increasing longevity. I believe that a healthy body also includes a healthy mind and spirit. 


If I can be of assistance, please do not hesitate to contact me.